
Plicafol - lot de 100 feuilles


Délai 2 semaines

Le lot de 100 feuilles

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Dénomination Prix unitaire TTC Stock Le lot
Prix TTC
Plicafol - lot de 100 feuilles 145.80 €
Délai 2 semaines
0.00 €

TOTALQuantité :0
 Total TTC :0.00 €
 Total HT :0.00 €
 TVA (20,0%) :0.00 €

Réf : 719-05

Plicafol - lot de 100 feuilles

Marque : Plicafol
Conditionnement : le lot de 100 feuilles


Step 1: Placing Plicafol on top of the putty

- Fill a ready-made (standard) tray with ductile silicone (putty).
- Place slightly more putty in the distal area to create an edge like boundary. Rarely does the tray have to be - customized with boxing wax.
- Now place Plicafol separating foil on top of the putty and apply gentle pressure.
- Fold back or cut off the overlapping parts of the foil.


Step 2: Positioning

Now forcefully press the tray filled with putty and covered by the foil onto a dental model. Keep the tray in place by equally and centrically applied constant pressure, so the foil and the putty will surround the teeth – use two fingers in the maxilla on each side and one thumb in the mandible on each side. Push back any putty that spread past the tray with the dental mirror towards the last teeth to be moulded.


Step 3: Movements

Move the tray up and down and slightly back and forth immediately after positioning. Doing so ensures that no overlapping areas/undercuts remain and that a large enough space layer is created. Moving the tray allows for the assessment of the repositioning capability of the tray for the later, second impression phase. The up and down movement is especially important in the mandible, where the teeth lean towards the tongue.


Step 4: Removal of Plicafol

- Take out the tray and remove the foil after the putty is set. The foil can be easily removed without residue.
- Due to the pronounced elasticity of Plicafol, there will be no perforations or folds.
- The result is a custom made tray without undercuts, showing rough tooth indentations and a defined space layer. The surface is uncontaminated by saliva or blood.


Step 5: Apply free-flowing silicone

- The following steps represent the actual impression taking. Foil impression is much more comparable with the one-step impression technique than with the two-step dental impression technique.
- Fill free-flowing silicone of medium consistency into the pre-impression in a thickness of 3 mm. Put the filled tray aside briefly.


Step 6: Coating of the teeth

Starting at the gingiva in occlusal direction, coat the air-dried teeth with free-flowing silicone of medium or low consistency by use of the proper syringe until they are covered completely.


Step 7: Definitive impression

- Bring the filled tray evenly and with moderate pressure into position. Hold it in place until the silicone is completely set.
- Now the impression is finished and can be removed.


Finished impression

- Seen here is a section of the finished impression.
- The upper left first molar is prepared for an inlay, the upper left second molar for a partial crown.


Cross section of an impression

- This cross section of a finished foil impression shows the distribution of the putty and the free-flowing silicone for a crown preparation of an upper molar.
- Contrary to the classic two-step impression technique, a space layer is provided for the free-flowing silicone. This way, compressions can be avoided on the one hand and even pressure is accomplished in the free-flowing phase on the other hand.


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Produit associé :


Ciseaux comfort 16 cm Bic

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